Algorithm of computer graphic

On this page I'd like to introduce U main algorithms, are used in computer graphic. I thought, that it will be interesting not only to real professional at this area (they have known it before :)) ), but to every delittante programmer. It's interesting to know what compiler do, when it met, for example,the next line


By the way, here and forward will allege the programm texts, are written in Pascal. It's the best language for learning programming.

So, the main algorithms :

  1. Raster unfold of segment (Algorithm of Bresenham)

  2. Raster unfold of segment (Algorithm DDA)

  3. Raster unfold of circle (Algorithm of Bresenham)

Another one. Here I am not allege algorithm of clipping. Wait for upgrade my site

Raster unfold of segment (Algorithm of Bresenham)

procedure lineBres(x1,y1, x2, y2 : integer);
   x, y, xend, yend, s, dx, dy, d, inc1, inc2 : integer;
   dx := abs(x2-x1); dy := abs(y2-y1);
   if dx > dy then begin {almost horizontal}
      inc1 := 2*dy; inc2 := 2*(dy - dx); d := 2*dy - dx;
      if x1 < x2 then begin
         x := x1; y := y1; xend:= x2;
         if y1 < y2 then s := 1
         else s := -1;
      else begin
         x := x2; y := y2; xend := x1;
         if y1 > y2 then s := 1
         else s := -1;
      putpixel(x, y, cc); {pixel, color ÑÑ}
      while x < xend do begin
         if d > 0 then begin
            inc(d, inc2);
         else inc(d, inc1);
         putpixel(x, y, cc);
   else...{the same}           

Raster unfold of segment (Algorithm DDA)

procedure lineBres(x1,y1, x2, y2 : integer);
   x, y,xend, yend, dx, dy : integer;
   k, xf, yf : float; {type float - one of float types}
   dx := abs(x2-x1); dy := abs(y2-y1);
   if dx > dy then begin {almost horizontal}
      k := (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1);
      if x1 < x2 then begin
         yf := y1; x := x1; xend := x2;
      else begin
         x := x2; xend := x1; yf := y2;
         putpixel(x, round(yf),cc){put pixel, color ÑÑ}
         inc(x); inc(yf, k);
      until x > xend;
   else if dy = 0  then putpixel(x1, y1, cc)
   else ... {the same}

Raster unfold of circle(Algorithm of Bresenham)

procedure circle(xc,yc, r : integer);
   d, x, y : integer;
   x := 0; y := r; d := 3 - 2*r;
   putpixel8(xc, yc, 0, r); {after one point we can put 7 more}
   while x < y do begin
      if d <= 0 then
         d := d + 4*x + 6
      else begin
         d := d + 4*(x - y) + 10; dec(y);
      putpixel8(xc, yc, x, y);

In preparing this page was used lectures of Ñ.Ç.Ñâåðäëîâà